Keeping Our Distance From Each Other Is Not the Will of the Father

Keeping Our Distance From Each Other Is Not the Will of the Father by DR. STEVE GREENE for Charisma News

After my parents divorced, I chose to live with my father when he remarried. I don’t remember all the particulars, but I knew it was what I must do.

The first few mornings of life with my step-mother were very important. I watched as she prepared to leave the house for work. On her way out, she always hugged and kissed her two boys.

She included me. I can still remember the smell of her perfume and the softness of her touch on my cheek.

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Like many sleep-craving teenagers, I had a habit of sleeping late. But I vividly remember running up the stairs from my basement bedroom early in the mornings to make sure I was on the couch watching cartoons with my brothers. I didn’t want to miss her touch of acceptance and affection.

We were given the sense of touch for all the moments of our life.

I think it was those memories of my step-mother’s touch that opened my heart to become a hugger. My early instinct for hugs during charismatic “song services” was to perfect the side-hug.

A few decades later, I realize I was protected in my youth.

The coronavirus has taken so much away from our lives. The list of sacrifices grows daily for all of us.

Easter services streamed nicely through my devices and the Word of God was alive in my heart. I listened to worship music all weekend. I was fully aware of the significance of Holy Week.

But this was the Easter that will be recorded in my memory as the Easter without God’s gift of touch. Yes, it was necessary and scientifically sound.

But 20% of our senses lay dormant on Resurrection Sunday. Imagine an Easter without sight, sound or taste. I wonder what thought we would have engaged a year ago if we learned we would soon experience a season without God’s gift of touch.

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